The author of the only goal in the match against FC Bohemians Ricardinho commented on the end of the match and on the moment of scoring a goal when he could be seriously injured.
In the section Video you can find the episode with the goal and after-match commentary of the player.
How do you feel after the clash because it was really tough?
I feel better. My head aches a bit. But in general everything is fine.
Did you recognize that you scored being on the field at that moment?
At that moment no, I didn’t. But then the guys from the team confirmed that I scored that goal.
You scored already two goals at the training camps. You are becoming the leader of the strikers’ race.
I don’t have a goal to be the best striker of the team at the training camps. The main thing for is to score, the more – the better.
Many guys confirm that training camps are very hard. How does this process go for you?
It is also hard for me. We get tired a little while training camps but this is normal.
In December you took the third place at the Gala Awards in the nomination “The best striker” of the country. What can you say about that?
Luvannor told me this news. Honestly, I did not expect to be on the third place, I felt even a little bit sad. But it encouraged me to work more in FC Sheriff.
FC Sheriff Press Service