FC Sheriff misses 22nd round
Football club Sheriff misses 22nd round of the National Division which will be played on March 14 and 15.
It should be mentioned that due to dismissal of two teams in the course of the season and uneven number of participants in the championship, the clubs had to miss playing rounds.
22nd round in the National Division will be the last one in the second round. The final part of the championship starts on March 20 and 21. In the third round the calendar will be edited and only one team will miss a round.
FC Sheriff’s opponent in the 23rd round will be later determined.
FC Sheriff Press Service
It should be mentioned that due to dismissal of two teams in the course of the season and uneven number of participants in the championship, the clubs had to miss playing rounds.
22nd round in the National Division will be the last one in the second round. The final part of the championship starts on March 20 and 21. In the third round the calendar will be edited and only one team will miss a round.
FC Sheriff’s opponent in the 23rd round will be later determined.
FC Sheriff Press Service